Remote desktop protocol (RDP) can improve worker productivity

Flexibility – With RDP, employees can access their full virtual desktops from any internet-connected device. This allows them much more flexibility to work wherever is most convenient – from home, while traveling, or anywhere else outside the traditional office. They aren’t limited to a single physical PC.

Mobility – Mobile working was already on the rise pre-COVID. RDP takes it to another level by ensuring access to all the same applications, files, resources and multi-monitor setups remotely that users have in the office. This fosters greater mobility without sacrificing functionality.

Uptime – Downtime due to client hardware/software issues is essentially eliminated since the virtual desktop is server-based. As long as the server runs smoothly, so does a user’s remote session. This minimizes unproductive time troubleshooting local problems.

Simplicity – Employees have to remember just one username and password to seamlessly access their full desktop environment from different client devices via RDP. No hassles with multiple profiles or configurations.

Collaboration – Features like sharing desktops, files and comms tools like whiteboards between remote sessions fosters better collaboration across locations and devices. Productive brainstorming meetings can still take place seamlessly.

Those are just a few ways virtualization and RDP come together to streamline workflows and empower the modern distributed workforce to work productively from anywhere. Remote access to full desktops is a real game-changer.

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