Take Control of
Your Business
with Our

Grosspay Digital is a new payment solutions ( Fintech) that was incorporated in Papua New Guinea to provide digital banking platform employing latest technology , Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Internet of things (IOT) to support it’s Know Your Client ( KYC) on aggregated systems adopting NEO Banking Platform. Our existence in Papua New Guinea will help transform financial institutions, local business, companies, government and non government organization to adopt to digital solutions creating more sophisticated and secure payment solutions so that each organization can concentrate on growing their revenue and settling bills giving more time to do business.
Grosspay provide for open payment solutions that can be tailored to meet each organization nature of business integrating with our unified solutions to simplify payments solutions for your business and clients. We have four different types of systems which we deploy to client and customers once they are registered in our system, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) , Customer Resource Management ( CRM), E Commerce and Project Management Portal. Grosspay Cloud Live Store, Ebanker, E Governance and payment solutions has been used globally by our partners for over 21 years and we have proven the system to be effective through our core users specially telecommunication, banks, financial institution, transport sector, manufacturing, travel agencies, agriculture, mining, innovation ,education, construction, aviation, retail, wholesale, logistics, supply chain and others.
Business Solution
Strengthen your business application
Grosspay Digital is an IT Solution service provider company, specializing in Core Banking Solution, Enterprise Resource Planning, e-governance, Big Data, System Integration solutions, Data Analytics & Digital Payment. We believe in ‘IT for business and measure success by monitoring elements such as customer retention, reduced Total Cost of Ownership and increased revenues for our customers. Agility and time-to-market are two key benefits for which customer engage us. Specifically, our experience in agile methodologies and the global delivery model facilitate, serviceability and cost-effective delivery.

We design and develop ecommerce website to meet business needs for any size of business who want to allow its customers to shop anywhere anytime. Since the technology has change the traditional method of doing business in a different way, the growing number of business leave their physical store and go online to connect with customers. This gives opportunity to be part of the worldwide business community making geography no longer an issue for anyone to earn sale revenue.
Payment Gateway
We have design a payment gateway in its entry level where we working slowing to educate vast majority of people in this community to understand how the payment gateway works. Grosspay was established to open provide an alternative gateway for payment solutions across the region using latest technology integrating with more than 500 platforms connecting 200 countries is our current scale and we are still working to develop customer community based on our primary products market. The need for a payment gateway in PNG and Pacific to allow online business move to the next dimension through designing a gateway and make it tailored for any business is business going concern.
Cloud Live Store
Designing Online store website and hosting it with various ecommerce platform using CMS or HTML is what we do, whether it is small or large business regardless having an online store and selling products and services becomes the fastest business globally. Our team develop various store online for clothing, appliances, confectionary, stationary, pharmacy, digital products, home, gardening, construction, services and consulting. Visit our store for demo on this link https://demo.grosspaydigital.com or https://shop.grosspaydigital.com

Core Banking Solution (CBS)
The progressive advancements in technology, especially Internet and Information Technology has led to new ways of doing business in banking using ICT – Information & Communication Technologies. These technologies have cut down time, working simultaneously on different issues and increasing efficiency. The CBS is installed at central location based datacenter & access at different branches of a bank interconnected by means of communication lines.
We offer e-KYC which is a real time solution that is in-built in Core Banking System and helps conduct instant, electronic and non-reputable Know Your Customer (KYC) process using Aadhaar-based Authentication. It can be used as an alternate to current KYC process which is done on the basis of physical photocopies of the original documents for Proof of Identity (POI) & Proof of Address (POA). Paperless, Instantaneous, Low cost, Financial Inclusion, Compliance, Workflow capability.
Enterprise Resource Plan
ERP solutions are tailor made to industry-specific standards, best practices and processes to help companies optimize business processes and adapt quickly to changing market demands. From local businesses to global industry leaders, Grosspay through its partner VGIPL has been serving companies of all sizes and industries in India and abroad. VGIPL is developing best practices and delivering ERP software systems with proper GAP analysis and impact analysis according to need of an organization that too target specific business needs. The result is a depth and breadth of industry expertise and tailor made software functionality that is difficult to match.

E Governance -Big Data
Grosspay provides everything you need to get the most value from all your big data. Simplified data management eases time-consuming data prep. Visual data discovery helps you quickly spot what’s relevant. In-memory analytics and machine learning techniques lead to faster insights, using Hadoop Platform. With the utilization of Big Data and analytics service customers can find answers that enable,
- Cost and Time reductions, Smart decision making.
- New product development and optimized offerings.
- Physical Digital Integration.
- Everything on Demand.
Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data –both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. But it’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the data that matters. Big data can be analysed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves.

Project Portfolio
www.fashionwishes.nl/ (For Fashion)
www.workouttrends.com/ (For Fitness)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.techno.socialapp&hl=en (Ecommerce App)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.technoexponent.taxiapp.passenger (Taxi bookng)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=farmpicked.us (Ecommerce App)
www.eb5.com (For Cosmetic Products)
www.for-all-seasons.net (For Plants)
www.acuteshop.com/ (For Kids Products)
www.craftsvilla.com/ (For Ladies & Girl Clothing)
www.247drugsshop.com/ (For Online Pharmacy)
lars.ingebrigtsen.no/ (Blog)
https://saigonfurniture.com/en/home/ (For Furniture)
https://goodworks.eastsons.com) (NGO)
https://www.draupaditrust.org/ (NGO)