Peer to Peer Service
First-class business and company registration
We provide fast and effective business and company registration services for all local business. For overseas business registration we also do in 14 to 21 days. Our services come in packages for overseas registration.
We also assist with opening of bank accounts in BSP, Kina, Microbank, Mama Bank, Credit bank, Tisa bank, Kina bank, PNG Banking Coropration and Westpac. These services will require customer to complete our Client Information Sheet and it will take 3-5 business days to receive response for your account opening enquiry. Once you enquire through email , we will send you a form for you to complete and we shall facilitate the process on your behalf. A fee of K 100 for personal account and business account is K 200 for BSP /Westpac, while Kina Bank is K 650.
Explore more on our registration packages and you will never miss out on our special features for your business. Learn more
Registration Process
Leading Consulting Firm
Grosspay Digital aims to assist businesses save time and cost in registering business name or company. We do register both local and overseas company, complete the form on the link below for business name or company registration.

You can do it yourself by subscribing to our platform today and follow all instruction to get your company or business name registration done. Once you complete the Business Name or Company registration form, you can click here to do it yourself.
Before you register a company you must first reserve a company then you can go ahaed to register a company. Click on the Rerserve Name button to proceed.
Fill this form for all business or company registration
For all online services through Investment Promotion Authority. You can click on the buttons below
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