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Website Design Course For Free
Web Design Computer
Affiliated Marketing Course
Digital Marketing

We have more then 200 free courses for your to choose from, subscribe to grosspay premium account and learn more. Dont have to pay  more,  once you become a premium member , more then learning you will discover .There are bundle of brand new opportunites waiting out there for you. 

Free Certificate Course

  • Free course requirements for your to enrol are:
  • Must have Laptop/Desktop Computer
  • Must have K 170 for domain & hosting or  affiliated subscription to software pr market sites
  • Data for your course 
  • Internet Connection

       Note: The fee is for you to have live hoted lessons and objects upon completion for your own benefits. 

       Mode of Learning 

  • Online Live lessons and face to face 
  • Whatsapp and Google meet or Zoom 
  1. Marketing 
  2. Sales
  3. Service
  4. Website Design
  5. Web Development 
  6. Data Privacy

Additional Free & Paid Course

  1. Accounting 1
  2. Human Resorces
  3. Toursim 
  4. Administration
  5. Management 
  6. Computing 
  7. Infomation Technology 
  8. Arts
  9. Business
  10. Engineerinf & Construction 
  11. Teaching & Academics 
  12. Health 
  13. Language 
  14. Personal Development 

Explore more on our course categories

To see more on our course categories click on the link,  also bear in mind that some of the courses will be paid course and not for free as you go higher click on the link . To register for a free/ paid course you must click on then click on enrol now to complete the registration form.  

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